Waikiki Furnished Rental has the largest selection of Ilikai Condos:
No need to search lots of websites or send hundreds of emails to owners and agents when we have the largest direct to owner Waikiki Ilikai condo rental listings in Waikiki all with live instant online booking.
Full Description, Pictures & Prices
Each privately owned Ilikai condo has full description, up to date real pictures along with all the amenities it comes with so you can easily see if that unit meets all of your needs.
No Surprises
WaikikiBeachRentals will only list properties from documented Ilikai condo owners or their licensed agents and who have secured all the necessary requirements to be listed on our website. Any Ilikai Condo that has negative legitimate feedback from guests that is not resolved by the condo owner will be removed from the website to protect you, the guest. Pictures are as current as possible however owners are always encouraged to update furniture or other items to keep the unit as fresh and modern as possible so some interior/exterior items maybe upgraded or changed before your actual arrival.
Book Instantly Online & Done
Found the Waikiki condo rental unit you want, just click on the book now button, enter your dates and it will show you the complete estimated costs for your booking and within 1 minute, you receive an email confirmation back from the condo owner or agent with all your check in information and you are ready for Hawaii. Hawaii State Tax rates can change at anytime, guests are responsible to always pay the current tax rate at time of payment regardless of tax rate quoted when booked.

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