About Waikiki Furnished Rental
waikikifurnishedrentals.com is a website devoted to advertising and promoting luxury vacation rental units in beautiful Waikiki, Hawaii, providing advertising and software services to Hawaii vacation rental property owners and managers. Waikiki Furnished Rental is not a real estate broker, property manager, landlord or seller. Waikiki Furnished Rental does not sell or offer to sell, buy or offer to buy, or negotiate the purchase or sale or exchange of real estate, or list, or solicit for prospective purchasers, or lease or offer to lease, or rent or offer to rent, or manage or offer to manage, any real estate or options on any of the rentals posted on this site, which activities, if any, are undertaken by the owners or property managers of such properties.
Your rental agreement will be direct with the owner of the unit that you rent. Terms and conditions of your rental agreement, including any amenities and services to be provided during your stay are set by the owner of the unit that you rent. Payments, including any deposits and refunds, are paid to, or received from, the owner of the unit that you rent. The Ilikai House Rules details all the rules and regulations of the main building. Neither WaikikiBeachRentals nor its owner, WB Rentals, LLC, a Hawaii limited liability company, is an agent of any owner or the property manager of any unit or property advertised on the WaikikiBeachRentals.com website, nor are either of them the manager or operator of the Ilikai Condos, Ilikai Apartment Building, Inc. condominium project or of any other property or project in which a unit listed on the WaikikiBeachRentals.com website is located.
Waikiki Furnished Rental is an owner direct listing Waikiki rental website. Our main offerings Waikiki loactions. Rentals By Owners and information on Things to do in Waikiki.

Directions to Waikiki Beach:
When visitors come to Waikiki Beach, most come to stay for easy access by foot to this beach area. However, consider taking the public bus or rideshare services if you’re coming from another Oahu site. Parking here is such a hassle.
Beach Facilities:
- Beach Showers –All beach sections have different shower options.
- Bathroom facilities – You can find public bathrooms at Fort DuRussy, Kuhio, Queens & San Souci Beach. For other beaches, head to local establishments for bathrooms.
- LifeGuard Stations – All beaches except Outrigger Canoe Club Beach & Grey’s have them onsite. Watch out for body surfers and surfers, as they may not see you. Inexperienced swimmers watch out for all waves, which can become dangerous when met aboard.
- Restaurants and food stalls: Many beachfront hotels and small shops have different options.
- Barbeque Grills & Tables – Head to Fort DuRussy , San Souci and Kapiolani Park.
- Parking – Find street parking in front of Queen’s Beach, San Souci, and Outrigger Beaches. You can find a parking garage at Fort DuRussy Beach Park.
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